We offer support to local people affected by any cancer. Drop-in, Bereavement support, active treatment, workshops, events, therapies, Acupuncture Clinic
Drop-in on Monday from 2pm - 4pm
We offer:
- Befriending
- Bereavement support
- Complementary therapies
- Counselling
- Dietary therapy
- Information
- Other services
- Professional counselling
- Self Help & Support Groups
- Signposting to other services
- Volunteering activities
Catchment area:
Axminster, Lyme and surrounding areas
Opening times:
Interested in joining us?
Just come along to our next meeting, or get in touch with us on the details below.
Find out more:
- Mary Kahn on 01297 816559
- Info@axminsterandlymecancersupport.co.uk
- Axminsterandlymecancersupport.co.uk